In writing, the correct use of punctuation marks is an important technique used by writers to convey meaning in a clear and simple way. In this research, the most widely used punctuation marks in writing have been discussed with examples. The aims of the research are to investigate the errors made by students their performance of punctuation marks, and to identify the most difficult types of them on the part of the students/subjects under investigation. To reach the researcher's aims, a test has been given to 20 students at the second stage in the English Department /College of Basic Education /University of Mosul. Students have been asked to put the correct punctuation marks in the 30 given sentences. It has been shown the subjects have difficulty in their performance in the test with different percentages. The lack of knowledge, and the negligence of punctuation marks exercises are the direct causes of such a weakness that need to be solved.
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5. Internet (1): https://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/punctuation1.html
6. Internet (2): http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ssw/write/handouts/dash.htm
7. Internet(3): http://WWW.flinders.edu.au/SIC