Motivation affects effort, which, in turn, affects results and ultimately, students’ abilities. By building their motivation, you can help students become more skillful in English and nourish their ability to learn. This article provides information on motivational strategies to help teach English.
1. Chambers, Gary (2000), Motivation and the Learners of Modern Languages, Great Britain: Cromwell Press Ltd
2. David Cross, (1992) A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching, London: Prentice Hall International Limited
3. Dornyer Z. (1990), Conceptualising Motivation in Foreign-Language Learning, Language Learning, 40,1, 45-78.
4. Dornyer Z. (1998), Motivation in Action: a Process Model of L2 Motivation, working papers in applied linguistic (Thames Valley University, London), 4:43-69
5. Dornyer Z. (1999), Motivational Strategies in the Foreign Language Learning, London: CILT
6. Garder R. C& Lambert W. E (1972), Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning, Rowley and Mass: Newbury house.
7. Byram, M. 1997. Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
8. Carter, R. and D. Nunan (Eds.) 2001. Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.