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  • Economics, management, and digital innovation in education: contemporary trends and approaches
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  • Modern World Education: New Age Problems – New solutions
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  • Science, education, innovation: modern tasks and prospects
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  • Recent scientific discoveries and methodological research
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  • The latest pedagogical and psychological innovations in education
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  • The latest news and research in education
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  • Prospects for innovative technologies in science and education
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  • Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects
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  • Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions
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  • Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies.
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  • Methods of applying innovative and digital technologies in the educational system
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  • Problems and solutions at the stage of innovative development of science, education and technology
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  • New modern researchers: modern proposals and solutions
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  • Introduction of new innovative technologies in education of pedagogy and psychology
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