Hepatosis is a liver disease characterized by dystrophy and necrosis of hepatocytes; it can be hereditary and acquired.
1. Pathological anatomy: textbook: in 2 volumes / edited by V. S. Paukov. – M.: GOETAR-Media, 2015. – V. 1. General pathology. – 720 p.: ill.
2. Pathological anatomy: textbook: in 2 volumes / edited by V. S. Paukov. – M.: GOETAR-Media, 2015. – V. 2. Special pathology. – 528 p.: ill.
3. Pathological anatomy: textbook / A. I. Strukov, V. V. Serov. - 6th ed., reprinted - M.: Litterra, 2015. - 880 p.: ill.
4. Pathological anatomy. Textbook. In 2 volumes. Vol. 2, part I. – M.: Medicine, 2001. – 736 p.: ill. – (Textbook for students of medical universities. – ISBN 5-225-04625-8)
5. Tatarinov V.G. 'Anatomy and Physiology' - Moscow: Medicine, 1967 - p.352